Our commitment
New challenges and speed of change require a different leadership and differentiation in setup of boards and management teams. We look beyond experiences and believe in potential and abilities. We believe in equality and that diversity matters.

Find modern leaders
New challenges and speed of change require a different leadership and differentiation in setup of boards and management teams. We look beyond experiences and believe in potential and abilities. We believe in equality and that diversity matters.
In this extremely rapid change there is a need for a different kind of leadership and a differentiation in setup of boards and management teams to stay innovative and succeed at scale. The business case for diversity has never been stronger. Our mission is to strive for an equal and sustainable leadership at the top that will make your business thrive in innovation, growth, and profitability.
We aim to break up the existing structures and the traditional way of recruiting on executive level where the current networks are too narrow and homogenous, in order to get more balanced and diverse. We look beyond experiences and believe in recruiting more based on the candidate’s potential, abilities, and EQ.
We think that the executive search process needs to be more efficient – faster and more transparent and collaborative. Through our QuickScan method we quickly get insights in your organization’s level of digital maturity and what is needed to stay ahead.
Through our active and continuously growing network we help you find and recruit the modern leaders who have a deep knowledge in technology, digitalization and sustainability, and who knows what it takes to lead transformation and innovation.
In the new era of extremely high rate of change the demands on boards and directors are higher than ever. Boards need to have a deep understanding of what drives the long term sustainable growth of their business while adapting to challenges from technological, environmental, economic and social development. This requires more diverse competencies, and a mindset shift that fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and transparency.
We help you find and connect you with these board candidates who have a deep knowledge in technology and sustainability, and a proven ability to lead transformation and innovation. With our access to female networks through Women for Leaders and Karriärpodden you will have the opportunity to broaden the perspective and increase diversity on your board.
Attracting and finding leaders quickly are some of the most critical abilities for an organization. Assessing the competence needs and building the succession plan of the leadership teams are instrumental to stay ahead in a competitive and fast changing environment. With our Prosearch subscription we help you think strategically about your future leadership competence needs as well as rapidly finding the leadership talent you need.
Complex and critical business challenges sometimes require a short-term solution. We merge our diversified network of modern leaders who want to solve your business challenges together with you.
Transform leadership
In a rapidly changing world we need modern leaders who can transform businesses and build effective teams. It requires leaders who can build trust, are purpose and value driven, visionary and communicative.
We deliver customized leadership programs based on the modern leadership which emphasizes on building trust, self awareness, and a purpose and value driven communicative leadership. We assess and advise management teams to help unleash potential and drive the transformation of your business to make it fit for the future.
We offer customized individual executive coaching and mentor program for leaders who will develop and take their leadership to the next level.
We provide onboarding, coaching or mentoring to guide newly installed leaders through the first six months to provide support for a successful start in their new position.
Together with Women for Leaders we offer a unique leadership program for executive women leaders designed by prominent women leaders.
In today’s fast-changing world where business models are overthrown, the pace is constantly scrambled and the usual methods of decision making, governance and management are out of date there is a need for a more modern inclusive leadership.
Participants in The Premium Leadership Program will be ready to take on the top leadership positions in companies and organizations and lead them through transformational change into the future.
We advise, support and educate companies on why diversity and inclusion matters, how they can become an attractive equal employer and help them create awareness and foster an inclusive culture through lectures, workshops and coaching.